Blood Pressure Monitor

What is a Blood Pressure Monitor?

The force of blood against the walls of blood vessels, typically the arteries, is measured by a device called a blood pressure monitor, often expressed in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). This device is commonly employed for diagnosing and monitoring hypertension and hypotension. There are two types of blood pressure monitors: manual (aneroid) and automatic (digital).

Why you need one

Blood pressure monitors are utilized for monitoring and tracking changes in blood pressure levels. Regular monitoring is vital due to the fact that high blood pressure is a significant risk factor for various health issues, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. Furthermore, low blood pressure can indicate underlying health problems. By employing a blood pressure monitor, individuals can monitor their levels and implement lifestyle changes or adhere to prescribed medications, as advised by their doctor, for effective management and prevention of these health problems.

How does it work?

Typically, a blood pressure monitor operates using two components: an inflatable cuff and a measuring device.

1. Inflatable Cuff – The cuff is wrapped around the upper arm and inflated to temporarily halt blood flow in the artery.

2. Measuring Device – The measuring device can be a mercury manometer (manual/aneroid monitor) or an electronic sensor (digital monitor). In manual monitors, pressure is observed by mercury column height, while digital monitors employ an electronic sensor to measure pressure, displaying the reading on a screen.

As the cuff inflates, it applies pressure to the artery. When the pressure is released, blood flow resumes. The measuring device detects pressure changes and exhibits systolic (during heartbeats) and diastolic (when the heart rests between beats) blood pressure readings. Multiple readings are taken and recorded for an average.